Magic shop ran by the half elf coed twins Nilenas and Yesrora Stock Name Rarity Price 8 Potion of Healing COMMON 50 6 Potion of Climbing COMMON 180 3 Potion of Poison Resistance UNCOMMON 3... read more
Old Lady Wunderburry is nestled under a small canvas with a large tombe in front of her. pay 1 gold to hear a riddle if you answer it correctly you get your gold piece back OR you can answer one m... read more
A thin twine is extended up to 20 feet wide and up to 30 feet high. The twine entangles itself around whatever makes contact with it. Detected with a DC 16 investigation check or 17 arcana check, D... read more
The players are in the country Ezral. For their own reasons, they have arrived in the port town of Nobhaven. Nobhaven is a peaceful fishing village, not much happens there. Nobhaven has a small, yet n... read more
Companions get 1 Companion Level per 3 player levels. Companions have these skills: Strength Dexterity Intelligence Wisdom Charisma skills bonus table When a companion levels up, they can choose on... read more
You four are here in this forested area for a reason, the Guild of Adventurers have hired you sorry lot to investigate the rumors of a witch out in the woods nearby the City of Caelindor. The Noble i... read more
Any blade can hold this blessing. It costs 1 hour to attune a new blade with the blessing. Once per short rest the wielder can roll a 1d4 when hitting an enemy with the blade. The wielder gets a poo... read more
"King" of his own town Magnotios Original owner of The Hexoprism Is searching for it now and expects Leowin of having it. Works closely with Troll Slaves Ring / Marnipson read more